“Teach them to read and write”

This engaging professional learning experience mirrors a sports-like environment. It refreshes and refines ready-to-implement research-based practices, encourages peer collaboration, and fosters lots of laughter. Keynotes and breakout sessions aim to enhance literacy educators to engage even the most reluctant students.
Keynote: Reading For Our Lives~ Inside America’s Reading Crisis: How You Can Help and Why You Should
The pandemic hurt the reading prospects of an entire generation—and of the society that will sharetheir future. Many school-age children face lasting learning setbacks, as supplemental educational programs haven’t made up for lost classroom time. Covid-era infants, toddlers, and preschoolers show lower verbal, motor, and cognitive performance, compared to pre-pandemic levels, and frequently suffer delayed access to developmental screenings and early intervention services. But there’s hope: us! We all have a role to play in turning the tide.
Maya Payne Smart
Maya Payne Smart is a writer, parent educator, and literacy advocate who has served on the boards of numerous library and literacy organizations. She and her family live in Milwaukee, where she serves as affiliated faculty in educational policy and leadership in the College of Education at Marquette University. Her website, MayaSmart.com, provides tips and tools for parents to nurture, teach, and advocate for kids on the road to reading.