Here are a few interesting dispatches you may have missed amid this week’s coverage of the Winter Olympics, violence in the Ukraine and White House budget proposals.
When Leaning in Isn’t Enough: What I’ve Learned At Work As a Woman of Color (Salon)
Joshunda Sanders makes a compelling case for pragmatic and class-inclusive advice books for women. I love her description of her fantasy how-to book, which would cover managing a household budget, juggling family and work obligations, continuing education and training to advance.
Using Social Media to Build a Better World: A Culture of Amplification (Salon)
Mary Elizabeth Williams argues that even though we don’t have a direct say in the images that mainstream media serves up, we can be more thoughtful in the voices we amplify on our own social media channels.
Related: Anil Dash on the year he only retweeted women.
Must Black Love Come With Struggle? (Ebony)
Josie Pickens writes a heartrending essay celebrating the resilience of black love despite the odds–centuries-long institutional assaults on black families, from slavery to the present.
10 Books by Women You Have to Read This Spring (Cosmopolitan)
Includes the latest by the incomparable Helen Oyeyemi, “Boy, Snow, Bird.”
Get your flu shot! Even though flu season is winding down, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urge everyone 6 and up — including pregnant women — to get flu vaccinations. H1N1 is back at it, and preliminary reports show that it has killed or hospitalized more young and middle-aged adults than usual. Details here.
What stories got you talking this week? Post details in the comments section below and I’ll look them up. Thanks!